Software maintenance

In current market environment, it is common for companies to allocate significant portion of budgets and assign dedicated staff on day-to-day maintenance tasks of legacy systems to meet the responsive requirement of market. The method though effective, however it may divert valuable time and resources away from core and value added product development.
It is an efficient and cost effective way to turn to Activeosoft Technologies for a complete solution to your application maintenance/support needs. Activeosoft Technologies provides reliable and quality support, which is critical to building client credibility. Our product support team is a combination of domain and technology experts to guarantee quality support.

1. Pre-maintenance plan
Before commencing maintenance/support, an experienced project manager and a domain expert are allocated to the support team.
2. Project startup
In this stage, appropriate resources are allocated and infrastructures (e.g. hardware environment, required software installation) are set up, which followed with the steps of knowledge transition after getting an initial overall understanding of the system.
3. Knowledge transition
Understanding the business processes is fundamental and critical for high quality support. We adopt multiple communication ways such as conference calls, web conference, e-mail, instant messenger to get fully and detailed understanding of your requirement, the size and complexity of the application etc.
4. Service level agreement
To fit the client's requirements, our support team works together with the client to draw up a SLA depending on the client's business needs
5. Continuous maintenance/support
This is the lasting maintenance/support phase in which the maintenance/support team work closely together with the client to support any of the business requirement. We provide quick fixes or upgrade the system with additional/new requirements.
The quick fixes process is:
  • Receive the defect report
  • Analyze the defect report
  • Determine the fast response time
  • Apply the fix
  • Record the fix measures and bugs status in web-based bug-tracking system through which the client knows real-time maintenance conditions.
6. Delivery
We deliver the each of the maintenance and support tasks to client only when the task has been fully tested.